Search Results
July 2022, Day 5: Ichinojo to win the title?
July 2022, Day 14: Terunofuji's to lose?
one of the greatest SUMO matches of all time!
July 2022, Day 6: Fighting for inches (Al Pacino-style)
Tobizaru vs Ichinojo Nagoya 2021 Day 8 | Slapathon
July 2022, Day 10: How to deal with bleeding wrestlers?
Ichinojo Yusho July 2022, 12-3
July 2022, Day 7: Mitakeumi withdraws but keeps Ozeki
July 2022, Day 3: Tests of character
The Dohyo: E86 - Sumo Quick Strike! (July '22: Day 5)
Hoshoryu Holds On for the Technique Prize and 11-4! All 15 bouts at the Kyushu Basho!
Biggest sumo wrestler of all time | Have you ever wondered? #shorts